I just reminded myself to put a pen in my purse. I usually have one, but lately I have been caught without a pen. What does this have to do with Christ and His Word? Well, in Corinthians St Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit writes God’s Word on our hearts.

That got me thinking. Do you write Prayer requests on a special list? Some people mark off when they get answers to their prayers. I do go back over mine at times to check them. Answers can be positive or what looks like negative to me. In any case God does answer. Sometimes we have to wait. He never leaves us hanging. In His eyes anyway. To us it can seem like He never heard our prayer. But we know that He does hear us, He does care about what we care about.

It can be lonely at times. In a hospital room waiting for a loved one to be healed. A commotion in the neighborhood. In a courtroom when things go wrong for someone we know. Immediate care or the Emergency Room in the hospital can have us on needles and pins. Anything that causes us an anxious moment is time to think of God as our first line of defence.

These could be the times that you get your pen out and a piece of paper to write your prayer requests down. It seems that getting them in writing makes it more real to touch God.

Put on the whole armor of God. The sword of the Spirit is the only piece of armor that puts us on the offense, It makes us brave. It makes us take our stand ready for anything that comes our way. Write down the Ephesians 6 list of the armor. Write down the Philippians list of the good things to think on. Make a list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Encourage yourself with these Scriptures and your favorite ones to get you through the moment when things don’t seem that they are going well.

Get that pen out and write God a love letter. He wrote you one and now you can write Him one back. He loves hearing from us. Hebrews tells us that our sacrifice is praise. Jesus did all the rest in the sacrificing realm for us. We just have to praise Him for all His love and care for us.

About loismae34

Grandmother of fabulous Five, mother of terrific Three, Have three neat sons-in-law, 2 sisters, and a number of cousins. Molly is my rescue dog, a little off-white 4 year old poodle, my kids gave me for Mother's Day.
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3 Responses to A PEN

  1. jacobsbl1 says:

    Love this……..

  2. Georgia says:

    This was a good one.

  3. dmcrey86@yahoo.com says:

    I love this one!!!! Debbie

    Sent from my iPhone


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